Thursday, October 1, 2015

31 Days - Day 1

Today begins an exercise in scheduling and discipline.  My pastel artist friend Kim Morin Weineck just completed her 30 in 30 (30 paintings in 30 days) for the month of September.  She inspired me to take on this kind of self-imposed challenge.

I'm going to do a variation where I paint for one hour (or more) a day, and post the result.  Kim did thirty 8x8 pastel paintings.  Since I already had one on the easel (12x24), I'll start with it (so, I guess this is really 33 days, or maybe I'll be done before Halloween).  Disclaimer: I might count Teaching Nelson Telson curriculum activity drawings as part of this if I'm too strapped for time.
How it was 9/29, wish I'd taken a pic when it was just the underpainting last Thursday...
9/30 - almost done
One of my most favorite places in the world, Gurnet Creek, where you can float around at high tide and see beauty everywhere you look.
Up the Creek
12x24 pastel on Uart 500

Terry Ludwig makes some great colors including his Intense Darks and Shades of Nature that I employed here.  Also, I love Unison BV (blue violets) for the clear sky, and Sennelier darkest green 179 and a really intense dark blue.  I also really like the texture of Girault pastels, there's something magical about the way they are soft but can still cut a sharp line.

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